Aline Niyonzima, a determined and resilient individual from Burundi, has lived in the Kakuma Refugee Camp since 2016. Aline's life has been marked by a series of heart-wrenching challenges. Aline’s mother tragically passed away during childbirth and not knowing her father, she grew up as an orphan after her grandparents' passing. Aline suffered another devastating blow when the Nun who had been supporting her education was killed. Forced to flee her homeland due to issues with her extended family, Aline's journey has been anything but easy.
From a young age, Aline has held onto a dream of becoming an entrepreneur. She aspires to succeed so that she can pass on her knowledge to fellow refugees, empowering them to become successful entrepreneurs themselves. In Kakuma Camp, she seized a rare opportunity to acquire skills in sewing and is eager to share her newfound skills with the community. Aline aspires to establish a business creating beautiful dresses and much-needed school uniforms, but the critical missing piece is capital.
Kakuma Refugee Camp faces daunting resource constraints, with the average wage barely exceeding $1.50 per day and an alarming 27% unemployment rate. Aline's struggle with a lack of capital is not unique; in fact, 95% of Kakuma camp residents find themselves in the same predicament. Recognizing the urgency of Aline's need, she applied to Maak Impact’s FRE program for support in learning essential business skills and bridging the gap between her entrepreneurial dreams and the limited resources available to her.
Today, we require your compassion and generosity to help transform Aline's entrepreneurial dream into reality. Aline requires funding to acquire sewing machines, fabrics, and a small rental facility. These will not only enhance her business but also create employment opportunities for other refugees in the community. Your donation will also enable her to purchase the necessary fabric for her clothing creations. To put things in perspective, a sewing machine costing $160 would take over four months for the average resident to save up for, provided they refrained from spending on anything else.
Your generous donation today can be the beacon of hope that truly uplifts the lives of refugees in Kakuma, offering them a chance at a brighter and more promising future. Join us in making a profound and lasting impact by supporting Aline and her fellow refugees in realizing their dreams.