1000 jobs in 1000 days

Running from January 2024 to January 2027. This initiative focuses on empowering refugee entrepreneurs through targeted funding and comprehensive education programs. By providing the necessary resources and support, Maak Impact aims to nurture these entrepreneurs' businesses, fostering sustainable growth and economic stability within refugee communities. Through this endeavor, Maak Impact is dedicated to transforming lives, promoting self-reliance, and contributing to global economic development by turning refugee talent into thriving enterprises.



Clarisse is making an impact by starting a beauty school and salon to teach and serve the female refugee community


Samuel is making an impact by starting an e-commerce marketplace for refugee-made products


Aline is making an impact by starting a tailoring shop to serve her local refugees and their clothing needs.


Dusabe is making an impact by starting a poultry farm to provide more protein and nutrition to refugees at a lower cost

Kakuma Remains Immersed in the Challenges of Poverty

With average income's less than $1.50/day, 78% of the population out of the workforce, and an unemployment rate varying between 25-35%, economic opportunity is far out of reach.
We partner with local refugee entrepreneurs to mentor and grant start-up capital so that they can contribute back to the economy. We currently measure our impact through jobs created, business growth metrics, business retention rates, and wage increase. To address the needs of nutrition, well-being, and education, it takes business, it takes entrepreneurship.


How Do We FRE Refugees From Poverty?

Our Process

Samuel Chimanuka

Kalobeyei Refugee

"For three years. I had the REEMAR idea. I lost hope of implementation due to access to finances. I pushed for Angel investors but did not work, but after I learned about Maak from a friend that they will support innovative ideas, I applied, and now my dream is becoming true."

Aline Niyonzima

Kakuma Refugee

"Before joining Maak Impact, I was hopeless to start a business, but now, I am confident in creating the business of my dreams, get money, change my life, my family life and my community life. Thanks to Maak Impact's program of supporting us refugees in business."

Clarisse Cirangashane

Kakuma Refugee

"Before joining Maak impact i was hopeless, because I was having a dream to start a business but no funds, no money to start with, but through Maak Impact my dream come to reality. I can start my own business to change my life, and to help my community come out of poverty with true hard work and patience. Thanks again Maak impact for your help and mentorship."

Dusabe Chandis

Kalobeyei Refugee

"Before joining Maak Impact I was sad and in despair, but now I am confident to create my own business and I can make my dreams come true, change my life, get money, change community life I saw life is all about hardworking, and don't lose hope. Thanks to Maak Impact for enabling my community out of poverty"